

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-06-20







Trump New Year Message

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in the face of great challenges this year, america showed incredible grit, strength, tenacity, and resolve, and together, we achieved truly historic victories like nobody ever thought possible.

to defeat the Coronavirus, we launched the largest mobilization since world war ii.

we transformed factories to build tens of thousands of ventilators and millions and millions of masks virtually overnight.

nobody thought it could be done.

we ignored the experts who demanded open borders, and we shut down travel from china and europe to protect our citizens, and we built the wall.

we pioneered groundbreaking new therapies and treatments and save millions of american lives.

over and over again, we were told it would be impossible to deliver a vaccine by the end of the year.

all of the experts said absolutely unthinkable.

"trump is exaggerating.

it cannot happen." and we did it long before the end of the year.

they said it would take a medical miracle, and that's exactly what it is.

years from now, they will be talking about it, this great, great thing we did with the vaccines.

a truly unprecedented, amazing medical miracle.

normally, developing a vaccine takes up to 10 years.

thanks to operation warp speed, we developed a vaccine in just nine months.

we have begun a nationwide vaccination program and we are sending the vaccine all over the world.

the world will benefit and everyone is calling to thank me.

our most vulnerable citizens are already receiving the vaccine and millions of doses are quickly being shipped across our country.

early next year the vaccine will be available to every american and a shortly thereafter, it will be delivered worldwide.

we will end the pandemic once and for all.

this is one of the most extraordinary scientific, industrial and medical feats in medical history.

we can never let people forget where it came from and how it came.

we are proud to be honored and all the people who worked so hard on it, we have to be remembered for what has been done.

i want to thank all the workers, doctors, scientists, and members of the military who made operation warp speed possible.

before the pandemic, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world.

now we are doing it again.

we have built two great economies, before and after.

we passed a $3 trillion in relief, the largest financial aid package in history.

through the paycheck protection program we saved or supported more than 51 million american jobs and we are doing numbers now like no one has seen before, including having the highest stock market in the history of the world.

i've froze student loan payments, stopped evictions, suspended payroll taxes.

we have slashed the unemployment rate from 14.7% all the way down to 6.7%.

a lot of people thought the 14.7% could be 32% or 45% and now we are down to 6.7% and heading a lot lower.

we made it dramatically lower than experts predicted a few months ago.

our economy is growing at the most rapid rate ever recorded, 33.4% last quarter, and much faster than the nations of europe.

nobody can compete with us in terms of going down less and going up by far the fastest and the best.

whenever america is challenged, we always rise to the occasion.

we are bringing critical manufacturing back to america.

we have secured our borders and paused immigration to protect american workers.

we lower drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

after years of endless foreign wars, we are signing historic peace deals in the middle east.

it is all ending in the middle east.

we have to hope it keeps going.

it is so easy, if you know what you are doing.

in this season of joy, americans have so much to be grateful for.

we are all blessed to live in the greatest country ever to exist on the face of the earth and we made it greater than ever before.

as long as we remain loyal to our nation, devoted to our citizens, and faithful to almighty god, the best is yet to come.

god bless you, and god bless america.




在疫苗研发期间,特朗普政府启动了“极速行动”计划(Operation Warp Speed)。他说:“得益于‘极速行动’,我们仅仅用9个月就完成了通常需要近10年的疫苗研发。现在我们已经在全美启动了疫苗项目,并正在向全球各地发放。”





另外,薪资保护贷款计划(Paycheck Protection Program, PPP)确保超过5,100万美国人没有失去工作。同时,“我们的经济数据再创新高——股市攀升,创下历史最高纪录;暂停偿还学生贷款、暂停支付工资税,失业率从14.7%一路下降至6.7%,未来会更低;美国上个季度的经济增速达到33.4%,再创纪录,远远超过欧洲国家。”





— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —

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